Ground and underground water is often polluted by nitrate which must be removed due to its health risk. Nitrate in drinking water can be especially dangerous to children under six months. Nitrate pollution is a result of the ammonium and nitrate based contaminants accumulated in the soil (fertilizers of nitrogen content).
One possible method to remove nitrate is selective ion exchange. Selective resins are available which bind only the nitrate from a stream. After saturation resin is regenerated and is reused. Special attention must be paid during further treatment and location of regenerate with nitrate content.
Nitrates can also be removed by the means of membrane techniques which are non-selective methods. This is more expensive than the previous one, but other unwanted components can also be removed together with nitrate: Na, As, B, high salinity, organics.
Ground and underground water is often polluted by nitrate which must be removed due to its health risk. Nitrate in drinking water can be especially dangerous to children under six months. Nitrate pollution is a result of the ammonium and nitrate based contaminants accumulated in the soil (fertilizers of nitrogen content).
One possible method to remove nitrate is selective ion exchange. Selective resins are available which bind only the nitrate from a stream. After saturation resin is regenerated and is reused. Special attention must be paid during further treatment and location of regenerate with nitrate content.
Nitrates can also be removed by the means of membrane techniques which are non-selective methods. This is more expensive than the previous one, but other unwanted components can also be removed together with nitrate: Na, As, B, high salinity, organics.